Content Warning: Please be aware that some of the stories on these pages contain details and descriptions of abuse which you might find disturbing or upsetting.

Social services were responsible for me and they failed me time and time again...

Hi my name is Claire

I'm a born survivor of historical sexual childhood abuse grooming and child trafficking. Early adult sexual and domestic violence.

I have been in care all of my life social services was responsible for me and they failed me time and time again... I have been groomed by gangs of Asian males from the local location where the children's home was.

Both social services and the police turned a blind eye. Social services knew what was happening. And they chose not to prevent it. Therefore I was abused. I was neglected.

I run away from the house but the police kept taking me back. Social services put me back into the same children's home after getting away from my abusers for 4 months.

So the abuse started all over again... I used to self-harm to block out the pain I have scarring to both arms and legs I have tried to end my adult life 3 times Because the flashbacks from being sexually abused as a child has haunted me forever...

I have been drugged, raped, beaten. Hit with weapons. I have caught sexual infections in my child life. I have been made to strip had chilli powder poured into my eyes. Forced to sit in cold baths. Eat food off the floor. I could tell you more but I’d be here all day.

I now suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety, paranoia episodes. I also have BPD. I suffer daily. Every day is a battle but if I have learned anything from this experience it is to be the best mother I can be for my children, 13 and 6. I don’t let them out of my sight...

I KNOW all the warning signs and I have learnt to trust Nobody

I’m a brilliant mother and I will ensure my children get the life I didn't ❤️

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