David from DMC Media

Hi. My name is David from DMC Media…

02 July 2020

I’ve been in recovery from drug addiction for 18 years.

Both my mum and dad we’re drug addicts and through my journey I’ve lost many things, including being in and out of prison, losing part of my left leg or injecting and scolding my hands.

I’m not sure how I came across the website or social media of Maggie and the foundation maybe it was coincidence, maybe it was just fate.

Film helps people to express themselves and is a powerful tool to get messages out there.

Maggie is an amazing woman and I’m just happy to help out on film and to meet some of the amazing women the organisation is helping.

If I’m honest I’ve been on both sides of the fence, abused and abuser but I went into long term therapy for it and I am happy to say I too am healing in these areas.

Anyway, I must go now as I have nothing to do as it’s Covid19 haha!!!

hi my name is david

Love you, David BA Hons DMC Media

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