We are currently experiencing high volumes of demand for our services.  It might take us a little longer to come back to you but we aim to respond within three weeks.  If you are looking for support regarding your experiences in police custody following publication of the Baird Inquiry findings please find more information here.


Your donation helps survivors of childhood sexual abuse or exploitation move forward on their recovery journey. With your support, we are able to empower survivors to build strength and resilience, to improve their mental wellbeing and to make positive life choices. Sharing their stories enables us to highlight failures of the criminal justice system in identifying, investigating and prosecuting these awful crimes. Only with a criminal justice system that is fit for purpose will we be able to end sexual abuse and exploitation of children.

You can choose to between setting up a regular monthly donation or making a one-off donation through the link below. Please note that with Justgiving Checkout, there are no platform or processing fees and we receive 100% of the donation that you make.


Pays for an hour of legal advocacy support for a survivor being failed
by the criminal justice system.


Pays for one group therapy session for PTSD with a psychotherapist expert in trauma resulting from sexual abuse.


Pays for an emotional support call for a survivor through our Pain into Power phoneline.


Pays to train one of our volunteers to support survivors through our Pain into Power phoneline.


Sponsors a survivor through a complete eight-week course of emotional support through our Pain into Power phoneline.


Sponsors a survivor through a complete course of emotional support and a complete 12-week course of group therapy.
If you would like to fundraise for The Maggie Oliver Foundation, please follow the link below. If your company would like to support us, you can learn more from our Corporate Brochure or you contact us directly by following the link below:

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